Some Requirements To Make Money From Blogging In 2012

Hey do you want to make money from your home.?? So here's a good answer for this question...It doesn't matter you are a housewife, student or any disabled person who doesn't able to go out for making money like others.Here i am talking about blogging, blogging is a technical skill which turns a layman into entrepreneur if the skill is applied correctly.I always advise 10th class students to learn blogging because by the time they become graduate their tiny/small blog will become into a revenue generating machine which gives them lots of income from their blogs.Its not late if you haven't start learning blogging yet because there is no age of learning, start learning blogging today and start earning money through online blogs.Blogging is an art and it will generate lots of income for you if you practically focused on it.You know big marketers launch their blogs with the start of each new year for boosting their income.Making lots of blogs is not a challenge but starting your first blog is.

Before you start a new blog or make a such decision, i would like to tell you something about blogging through which you able to become a professional blogger instead of a learner.

The Four Fundamental Requirements Of Blogging

1.) Build Up Your Skills

In this section i will tell you what type of knowledge you want to make your blog look and feel attractive.
  1. Web Designer
  2. Web Developer
  3. Internet Marketer
In the above list if you know any one thing than no one would able to stop you becoming star of blogging field.If says truly then i don't know anything listed above, but still i love blogging not because it gives income, because blogging is my passion and telling everyone about the latest trend, news and blogging hacks is my passion.I don't know anything about Web designing but i learn it from internet and web tutorials because Blogging is not just an English writer blog in which you write articles about 700 to 1000 words and submit your links into Google, he is the brain behind the content and the solid structure of the blog.To win the hearts of your readers you must have to exhibit extra ordinary skills by presenting your posts into a professional ways.You must design and maintain your blog regularly.A blog with grey design and bad look is always a big  failure.You must use a rich HTML, CSS and Javascript effects to create web objects that may provide the best web interface to your readers.

You able to learn the HTML, CSS and Javascript coding's within a month if you focus on it and understand how easy language is these and start using these languages for making effective objects for your blogs which likes by readers within a month with online tutorials.

2.) What Search Engine Is

Ofcourse after reading this question everyone says all knows what is Search engine, but tell me if everyone knows about search engine so why lots of people fail in driving traffic to their blog while on contrary others are entertained with immense traffic significantly.??
Optimizing your blog through Search engine is not the end of the story and is not enough to increase the traffic of your blog here is something without you doesn't able to drive traffic to your blog and without it your blog is not able to compete with millions of page in Google, Yahoo, Bing in a single day.

Do you know on which algorithm search engine works.??? Let me tell you that search engine works on the following algorithm is Produce quality content, publish it first, and get served forever.

A.) Produce Quality Content: This is the only one thing which is not understandable in blogosphare.The line "Produce Quality Content" not means to write articles about 700-1000 words, the real mean of the line is to produce generate content which is totally fresh live and latest news for the world and blogosphare, that's why the blog's like TechCrunch and Mashable are so popular.The main reason behind the success of these blogs are, these blogs updated with latest news of all around the globe right when the news released or the next day.Publishing Good and quality content also stands for Google Panda Algorithm.

You know one thing that the search engine look more aggressively towards those blogs who produce content to the current time, happening around the  world, trends in the technology and lots more.

B.) Publish It First: It means never wait for someone else to publish news when you heard about it first.Because if you heard about it first then publish it in real time not after some time, because in that sometime the thousands of tutorials will be published on the same topic and your article will not able to drive enough traffic to your site. Always publish news on the latest developments and tips.

C.) Get Served Forever: This is the one thing which i personally experienced from the search engine specially from Google is that if you are the first one to break the news, then Google will drive all the organic traffic towards your article.I mean if you share anything first on the internet then you will be served all the organic traffic searching that particular thing.

3.) Act As Journalist

Do you know what a Journalist do.?? Ok let me tell you, a journalist's job is to keep informed himself with everything on its topic.If your topic is technology so you have to become same like journalist for this you have to subscribed the Giant technology blogs which provides all latest news about technology, social-media and lots more or visit those sites/blogs once in a day and pick the best news for your blog.If this is not possible for you then just create a igoogle homepage for you and subscribe the RSS of those blogs on your igoogle homepage through which the latest news from those blogs will flash on your igoogle homepage.

4.) Publish Multiple Posts Per Day

This is the last but not least point which we consider in the 2012 for making money with blog, if you are updating your blog twice or three times in a week so my friend open your eyes and gear up your speed of writing articles, because more articles will give you more and more traffic from search engine.

Have you ever noticed that if you didn't post regularly then in your analytic's account a red symbol shown which means your traffic is going down and when you post regularly the red symbol goes green which means your traffic increasing day by day.So blogging is all about the frequency of posts.I suggest this point to all bloggers.Only that's why Mashable and TechCrunch type blogs be on the top in getting lots of traffic.

If you have a good friend circle then encourage them for writing good article for your blog because good quality content and the quantity of articles will do wonders to your blog.

So friends if you are thinking for launching a new blog kindly consider the above points because the above points are tested and these points will do wonders to your blog in a very short time.If you already have a blog then change your strategy with my these mentioned tips i am damn sure your revenue and traffic will increase in 2012.

I hope you enjoyed the post , if you have any idea or suggestion or any point which you think is good for bloggers kindly leave your comment below and inform all bloggers.

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