SOPA & PIPA Attract Huge Lobbying On Both Sides

For what SOPA stands for, the meaning of SOPA is "Stop Online Privacy Act".
A total of 145 companies and organizations lobbied the house of representatives for and Against the Stop Online Privacy Act (SOPA), while 157 lobbied for and against its sister bill in the senate, the Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA), according to the center for Responsive politics.

Some of the big companies were supporting both bills by millions of Dollars.The Comcast a biggie in the list which is supported both bills, was by far the biggest lobbyist in spending upwards of $ 5 million on the issuse, this is the biggest lobbyist in the list who supporting both bills, Google was also the largest lobbyist which supporting and spending a sum of 4 million dollar.

These lobbying bills are only a rough estimates because all companies often include multiple bills and issues in their lobbying reports to congress.

SOPA and PIPA were proposed bills that aimed to crack down on copyright infringement by restricting access to sites that hosted or facilitated the trading of pirated content.

But all the opponents agreed that protecting content is a worthy goal, and is right content will have to be copyright protected because a writer spends its lots of time in writing an article and anyone can steal its content is not good.They argued that the way the bills were written effectively prompted censorship and were rife with the potential for unintended consequences.

The largest proponents are comes from the media and commerce field like Yahoo, The Web's domain registry and the Amazon, the internet corporation for assigned Names and numbers.

But some unexpected names also lobbied Congress about SOPA and PIPA, including Tiffany (TIF), Ultimate Fighting Championship and Pepsi (PEP, Fortune 500). However, companies are not required to disclose whether they lobbied for or against a particular bill.

It was a tremendous lobbying effort on both sides, though it was not enough to crack the top-10 most-lobbied bills of 2011. Interestingly, the lobbying effort may not have been what ultimately sealed the bills' fate. After a massive pushback from tech companies and their supporters in online and physical protests, both SOPA and PIPA were officially "postponed" on January 20

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