Placing Adsense Ad Units In Blogger Posts

The Ad Unit in between blogger posts gets the highest clicks from visitors.Here we tell you the trick by which you are able to place your Google Adsense, Adbrite and other ad units in different positions in your blogger posts.With this trick the ad block will appear wrapped and floated inline to the top left or top right to the next to the blog text.

Lets start the tutorial by which you are able to add Ad units in different positions in blogger posts.

1.)First Go to Your Blogger Dashboard > Design > Edit HTML.

 2.) Second Backup your template by clicking download full template link.

3.) Click to  Check the Expand widget box.

4.) Search the following code listed below in the Blogger HTML (Ctrl + F for search box for quick search of this code)


5.) Add the following code before/above the line <data:post.body/> into your Blogger Template.

For wrapping ad units into left to post body

<div style="float: left;">

Replace Your Parsed Code Of ad Units With the code of your ad unit after changing your ad unit code.

For Wrapping ad units into right to post body

<div style="float: right;">

Replace Yoyr Parsed Code Of Ad Unit with the code of your ad unit after changing it.

For Adding Ad Unit Code After Post Title Before Post Body In Centre

Find the following code into your Blogger HTML( Press Ctrl + F for finding the Code).


Paste the pared the Google Adsense ad code inside <center><div> and </div> </center> right before the above line so that it looks like below after change:

<div class=’post-header-line-1′/>
<div class=’post-body entry-content’>
<center><div>[parsed Google AdSense ad code]</div></center>
<div style=’clear: both;’/> <!– clear for photos floats –>

For adding Ad Unit Code after post content before footer credits:

The Google AdSense ad unit or other display ads banner will appear at the bottom of the blog post, after the end of content and just before the ending credits, within inside the post.
Search for:
<div class=’post-footer’>
Paste the parsed Google Adsense ad code inside <div> and </div> right before the above line so that it looks like below after change:

<div class=’post-body entry-content’>
<div style=’clear: both;’/> <!– clear for photos floats –>
<div>[parsed Google AdSense ad code]</div>
<div class=’post-footer’>
To center the ads unit, add the wrapper of <center> and </center>.
After Footer Credits
Unlike the above where the ad unit appear before the credit right after post content, this time the ad unit will appear after the credit for the post is displayed. The easiest way to achieve the task is using built-in feature of “Show Ads Between Posts” in Blogger. Turn off and enable the feature will display ads between posts when view in home, index or category pages, and also at the bottom most part when view in single individual post page view.
If you plan to use non-AdSense ads or want to add in custom channels, you have to manually edit the template HTML to add in the ad code. In this case, search for:
<p class=’post-footer-line post-footer-line-3′/>
Paste the parsed Google AdSense ad code inside <div> and </div> right after the above line so that it looks like below after change:

<p class=’post-footer-line post-footer-line-3′/>
<div>[parsed Google AdSense ad code]</div>
To center the ads unit, add the wrapper of <center> and </center>.
Between Posts
After it’s pretty much similar to the above where ads appear after post footer. So just follow tips above.

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